Thursday, June 12, 2008

My First Post!

So you may have noticed a few changes....for starters I had to get rid of the orange and green. Sorry, but we are a house divided (go FSU!). I'm new to the blogworld so hopefully this will improve as we journey together, but I felt it was time to add my two cents in- now you'll all really see how different Abel and I are! =)

I too am VERY excited about our move to CA. I've found the way for me to have contentment in this life is to view everything in seasons...we've just passed through a season of growth and preparation. It's been a long & tough season at times, but we wouldn't be able to pursue these awesome opportunities in front of us if we hadn't followed His guidance. Sometimes it can be hard to see God at work, but I trust that He's always there. I've learned He's got even bigger and better things planned if I can just be patient and wait on His reveal.

So, I look forward to sharing this next season with you! I can tell it's going to be pretty cool already (I mean, hello...California?!?) but we are leaving behind lots of friends and loved ones- so this will be our way of staying in touch. Hope you will leave your comments when you stop by to say hello. 'Til next time.....

PS- does anyone know if sharing a blog is recommended for married couples? This may be a whole new experiment! =)


Anonymous said...

Babe, You are awesome.
I love your first post but I'm not quite sure I like the changes you made to the colors on the page but I love you enough to be O.K. with the changes.(as long as it's not garnet and gold)

P.S. you've gotta tell me how you were able to have your post appear in a different color than the other posts.

Jenn Garcia said...

hah! I know something you don't know.... =)
I figured you would tweak it, I'm sure we can come to some sort of compromise.